More Iconic Ladies.

Long dark days and few daylight hours mean taking a class or two. I have found it’s the best way to get through January and February. Take a class that really interests and challenges you. So, with this in mind I signed up for a MATS (Make Art That Sells) course taught by the amazing Lila Rogers and the wonderful Tamisha Antony. The class, Redrawing Black History, consisted of 4 weekly introductions to different Black artists and the assignment was to create a portrait of each of them. In the interest of challenging myself, I decided to do the portraits digitally, instead of in paint or fabric, as I would normally do. It was fascinating and I learned so much. I decided to use the same color palette for all 4 portraits to try and give class an internal harmony. I can’t say that January raced by but I can say I am almost looking forward to next year……. Seen here: Elizabeth Catlett, Edmonia Lewid, Gwendolyn Brooks and Betye Saar.

Elizabeth Catlett, Edmonia Lewis, Gwendolyn Brooks and Betye Saar