Madame Prickleoffski

In his younger days Lancelot would sometimes disguise himself as Madame Prickeoffski, the famous Eastern medium, gaze into his crystal ball and tell fortunes. (It was a way to finance his studies.) Now anxious to raise capital for a promising new venture, Lancelot, as Madame Prickeoffski, is hired by the Meteorological Service, to help improve the accuracy of their predictions.


Finishing up.

Knowing that I am very busy at the moment preparing for my One person show, Lancelot and Agile kindly offered to help me work on my paper mache owl.  Here you see the owl in a late development stage, receiving a final coat of the Financial Times.  With luck the owl will be dry and ready to be decorated just in time for the opening of my show on May 6th. I am so grateful to Lancelot and Agile for their help.